We're Officially Open!

Vintage picture of young Eric on the grass with his pet, Tony the Talking Crow

Our shop for Talking Crow Coffee Roasters is open at last! After 2 years of working tirelessly, we have at last brought to life our dream. A dream to open a Pacific Northwest coffee roastery focused on Swiss Water decaf coffee (free of all chemicals!).

It hasn't been easy: there have been countless hoops to jump through and a ridiculous amount of decisions to make. Some roads led to dead ends and we had to backtrack, much to our disappointment. But the thought that we could be the ones to bring a better decaf roast to the industry drove us to stick to it. 

We may be focusing on decaf but don't worry - we have options for you caffeine drinkers out there! With a variety of roasts to choose from and the option to subscribe (to get it delivered straight to your doorstep!), we're so excited to open our shop to you. 

So please, go browse and explore what we've created for you! If you run into any issues or just have general questions feel free to reach out by emailing us at info@talkingcrowcoffeeroasters.com

And don't forget to read the story behind our name - it's based on a real crow named Tony and might just warm your heart. 

Excited to curate for you


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    Georgiann Jones: December 05, 2018

    This morning we tried your Ethiopian coffee for the first time…it was wonderful! It had a bright side to it – perfect for the morning. The aroma was great. It was smooth. It had an earthy tone…hence from the sage flavor…and the chocolate – yum! Jason tried a cup too and said it was “delicious”! Congratulations!
    Much gratitude and love in each cup…and heartfelt memories of a very special “talking crow”.

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